Blessings & Prayers on Gratitude Day!

Dear Beloved,

It is with a heart full of gratitude that I send this message – wishing you and your family a Blessed Gratitude Day! Thank you for Be-ing in my Life.  I am sending ANGELS of Healing to you so they may surround you with their Love.



Wherever you are in the world, it is a wonderful day to count your blessings and be in gratitude. I Am grateful for all of you!

Healing Visualization and Commitment

Together we can make a difference in the healing of the world, beginning with a commitment to healing ourselves and sharing those gifts with our families, committing to helping in our communities and allowing the healing to ripple out into the world as we prepare to move into the next year of 2017.

Consider asking yourself and initiating the following:

  • What do I need to release and heal within myself in order to be of service to the earth and others?
  • What can I do to ripple out the consciousness of love, healing and wholeness in my actions to have a positive impact upon my family, my community and the Earth and its inhabitants?
  • In my daily practice, let light, love and gratitude flow through me to the Earth.
  • What one thing can I personally change to reduce my environmental footprint and have a positive effect on the earth? (E.g. reuse, recycle, repurpose, clear, downsize, etc.) How can this be extended to my family, community and the greater Earth community?

My Gratitude Gift for you!

Savings on remote Psychic Readings & Healing Sessions and Free Gift (through December 30, 2016)

  • 25% discount for a remote readings and healing session
  • Free Aura Clearing (or) one question oracle reading with each session purchased this year

To read more about (distant, via Skype, or over phone) healing sessions click here.

In Love & Light,

~Paula Estrada

“You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.” ~Sarah Ban Breathnach

Why people self-sabotage their happiness – Karen Salmansohn

Dear Beloved,

This article is certainly one worth sharing. I hope you enjoy it!


Paula Estrada

To read more about sessions offered go to To schedule an appointment call (650) 549-5082, or email me at

Readings and Healing can be done over the phone. You can live anywhere in the US and make an appointment.

Link to article: Why people self-sabotage their happiness – Karen Salmansohn

Why people self-sabotage their happiness

by Karen Salmansohn


Confession time: For many years I used to be what I call an “enterpainer.” I loved to entertain friends with my pain, sharing amusing stories full of woes and miffed-ness.

One day I discovered a psychological concept which really woke me up—and motivated me to change my “enterpaining ways.” I’m excited to share this concept with you, because I believe it might motivate you as well.

The concept? “Masochistic equilibrium.”

When I first heard these words, I immediately wondered what they meant. I found out they represent a truly important psychological theory—one which clearly explains how and why sometimes a person’s comfort zone might actually be to stay in discomfort.

It’s like this: As a child you learned habits on love and happiness from your parents. If you learned that love comes with yelling and insults, then being in a relationship with too much peace and too many compliments might actually inspire anxiety. Snagging an abundance of joy might also trigger you to self-sabotage your happiness in order to maintain that “masochistic equilibrium” which you learned in your childhood. Or you might simply choose scenarios from the get-go which bring you lower levels of love and bliss.

Basically, you grew up in your childhood learning to feel comfy with only a certain level of happiness. Maybe you grew up used to eighty percent happiness. Or only seventy-five percent. Or seventeen percent. When this concentration shifts—even if it’s upwards—you will then start to feel twitchy, because this new zone feels so unfamiliar. As a result you might instinctively want to do something self-sabotaging, so you can shift your happiness concentration back down, down, down, down, down to your familiar zone—your“masochistic equilibrium.” Or, as mentioned above, you might simply choose situations right from the start which bring you a familiar level of pain, so as to match the “masochistic equilibrium” you grew up with.

How do you break free from the shackles of “masochistic equilibrium”?

You must one hundred percent accept that you do a lot of the goofier things you do because of negative childhood brainwashing—what I call “brain dirtying”—because your lens to the world gets dirtied with negative beliefs that you must wipe clean. Then, and only then, can you clearly see new paths to getting the life you desire and deserve.

One of the best ways to wipe your braindirtied lens clean is to seek alternate positive lessons in past pain. I call this possessing “pain-a-ramic” vision: You see the problems of your past with a full 180-degree positive perspective.


A) Relax your mind. Breathe deeply. Enter a meditative state.

B) Dare to think about your most painful incidents.

C) Force yourself to answer the following: What is a positive and/or lucky way to learn from the past and thereby attain some gain in my pain? List five positive lessons—so you can start to forgive your past—and move forward in a more positive direction.

After you get done blaming your past for present pain, you must also accept some responsibility. After all, you’ve been an adult (or adult-ish) (and maybe even just plain ol’ doltish) for a while now. Although your troublemaking subconscious has gotten you into some painful relationships and challenging situations, the time has come for you to show your cerebrum who’s boss and stop allowing those painful misadventures.


A) Next time you’re tempted to settle for a pattern of pain, repeat the following mantra: “I am not my past behavior. I am not my past failures. I am not how others have at one time treated me. I am only who I think I am right now in this moment. I am only what I do right now in this moment.”

B) Find examples of consistently happy, loving couples, and truly happy people. Spend as much time as possible with them so you can start to shift your belief system to what “normal love” and “normal happiness” are. Over time, you will begin to view highly positive situations as examples for your new normal. The more you witness positive examples of love and joy, the more opportunity you will have to change your belief system about life—and thereby start to change your “masochistic equilibrium.”

C) Talk with any family members you feel that you can be open with about this concept. You’ll find that the more you can be honest about repressed feelings and share them, the less troublemaking your subconscious will need to be.

D) Recognize that you have triggers that remind you of past pain and might thereby create a downward spiral of negative thinking and behavior. Clear your life of these depressing triggers. For example, you might want to remove items from your home that your ex-spouse has given you.  Instead, get “trigger happy” and focus on positive triggers that remind you of all your happy relationships. For example, you might want to put up photos in your home that represent happy times, happy people, or happy philosophies you want to live by.

E) Finally, there’s an added sneaky reason why painful patterns form: a theory à la Carl Jung. He believed that our lives need meaning and purpose. If we don’t have meaning and purpose, we acquire a bad habit in order to create drama and excitement—so we feel like there’s something interesting and entertaining happening in our life—even if it’s a bad exciting thing.  Jung’s name for these patterns of “enterpaining” situations was “low-level spiritual quests.”

The good news: You can more readily dump negative patterns of “low-level spiritual quests” by developing “high-level spiritual quests”—a driving positive force that drives you forward. For example, it’s easier to dump negative patterns in love (which give you drama and “enterpaining stories” to tell) , if you develop a  exciting hobby or passion-project to serve as your “high-level spiritual quest” (which then gives you excitement and happy entertaining stories to tell).

Personally, I discovered lots of reading and writing of books, which then filled my life with  far more entertaining things to talk about, and lessened my need for“enterpainment.”  However, “high-level spiritual quests” can show up in a variety of forms. You might consider taking up cycling, skydiving, painting, scuba diving, or international cooking. You might start training for a marathon. Or plan a trip to some place exotic.

Who knows? Maybe in the process you’ll meet an incredibly wonderful person (or people), and you’ll have some of your most entertaining stories ever told to share!

Angel Healing – $20 off for month of October

What is Angel Healing? My Angel Healings are partial psychic & spiritual healing. Angel Healings are great, if you are feeling “stuck”, want clarity on a situation, or just curious about what the future holds.  Want insight into relationships, career, finances, romance, family, your own spirituality? The area I specialize in is cord cutting and clearing out other people’s energy (such as their judgments’, beliefs, opinions, ideas) and its emotional charge (emotions and thoughts about traumas and painful events from the past, which are held in the body and energy field) allows your body the freedom to return to its normal, healthy state.

Call for an appointment by Friday, October 19, 2012
and receive $20 off an hour session.

Angel Healing can be done over the phone.

You can live anywhere in the US and make an appointment.

To read more about sessions offered go to To schedule an appointment call (650) 549-5082, or email me at

Get an Energy Realignment Session

Summer is a time to set yourself free.  It’s time for an Energy Realignment session with your Modern Day Medicine Woman!!

Why an Energy Realignment session? Stress, tension, negativity and less than favorable life style choices can throw the body off balance, lessening energy levels to different parts of the body and thus weakening the body.  This in turn can affect one’s emotional state, outlook on life, and the body’s ability to stay within the realms of what we consider healthy. Energy Realignment gently increases LIFE FORCE in the body so encouraging it to return to a balanced position and increase it’s ability to heal and maneuver through life’s stresses with greater ease.

An Energy Realignment session will Lift, Rejuvenate and Revitalize your essence. During each session, I work with my spirit guides and intuitive insights to sense your specific ailment.  I will be able to sense the origins and Qi blockages. I will facilitate Qi Infusion to revitalize and realign your energy flows.  When the session ends, one leaves with a sense of clarity and aliveness, plus knowledge of techniques to maintain and continue the healing process.

One of my Spirit Guides is the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. I am more than happy to channel his energy during your healing session. Djwhal Khul focuses on matters of the heart chakra. You might even get a quick reading.

Remember: I can do distance healing sessions too!! Distance Healing is just as effective as in person. If you live far, you can still benefit from the healing energy of Paula or Ascended Master Djwhal Khul.

To schedule an appointment email me at

Would you like a healing session with an Ascended Master?

Distance healing is a wonderful and effective way to experience and receive healing when you are not physically able to be present with your practitioner. Distance healing offers the same benefits as in-person sessions on an emotional, physical, spiritual and mental level since energy has no boundaries.

My name is Paula Estrada. I am a Channel, Healer and Spiritual Coach.  It is with great honor and love I chose to walk this path. It is a gift to serve others from the highest possible vibration of love, light and truth. I use a holistic approach to healing by drawing from my experience with acupressure, channeling, energy healing, hypnotherapy, shamanic healing and teacher.

In 2011, I decided it was time to further hone in on my gifts of clairvoyance and healing. I decided to build a deeper connection with my spirit guide. As I began to dive deeper into channeling, it was revealed to me that my spirit guide is the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul. It is a great honor be a channel for Djwhal Khul. I look forward to sharing his messages and healing energy with you.

To find out more about a session with Paula click here.

If you set an appointment by June 30, 2012, you will get $20 off. 

Be-ing of Service using EFT-GEM for soldiers with Post Traumatic Stress

I am going through EFT-GEM: Emotional Freedom Techniques /Guided Empathy Method Developed and taught at the Palo Alto School of Hypnotherapy. EFT-GEM works wonders for Post Traumatic Stress…as a commitment to Be-ing of Service to Community…I will donate some of my time to work with Veterans. Feel free to forward my contact information to people you feel could benefit from EFT-GEM session. It can be done in person, over the phone or via Skype.

More details to follow in 2 weeks…when I complete the Certification….

Contact info here:


Gratitude and Happy Thanksgiving!

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.  Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”~ Melody Beattie

It is with a heart full of gratitude that I send this message – wishing you and your family a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I am sending ANGELS of Healing to you so they may surround you with their Love. 

I am in deep Gratitude for you in my Life. For this reason, I want to tell you about a FREE service I added to my Heart-Based Practice. I am dedicating one hour a week where I will meditate upon all those who wish to have FREE distant healing. If you would like to be added to my Meditation List, please sign up here.  

In Love & Light,
Paula Estrada
-Healing Arts Practitioner

Keep an eye on my website for Upcoming Workshops, or information on sessions and setting appointment.

Acupressure, Reiki, Healing Touch and Cancer – A Viable Option?

A Viable Option? There’s no doubt that cancer patients can benefit from acupressure, reiki or healing touch. In fact, healing modalities can serve as a nurturing adjunct to healthcare option during the stressful, doctor appointment-ridden time of oncology management.

“Cancer treatment places a heavy toxin load on the body, which massage can help eliminate,” says Gayle MacDonald, author of Medicine Hands: Massage Therapy for People with Cancer. “However, too much too fast may be more than the client’s body can comfortably handle. Skilled touch is beneficial at nearly every stage of the cancer experience, during hospitalization, the pre- or post- operative period, in the out-patient clinic, during chemotherapy and radiation, recovery at home, remission or cure, and in the end stage of life.”

The benefits of bodywork (acupressure) for these clients include improved blood circulation, equalized blood pressure, and help with fatigue and nausea. The place to start is by consulting with your physician and your massage therapist. For those who are two to three months out from treatment, bodywork that can be used includes lymph drainage therapies, trigger point therapy, neuromuscular therapy, myotherapy and myofascial release, among others. It’s better to wait before receiving deeper work.

How Can Reiki Help Treat Cancer?

1. Reiki re-balances, enhances and stabilizes the immune system, thus encouraging the body to heal itself, but Reiki does not and will not “cure” cancer

2. Reiki harmonizes and balances the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels/bodies allowing energy to flow freely to improve the inter-action between the four levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual)

3. Reiki lowers stress, inducing peacefulness and calmness

4. Reiki relieves pain, aiding in the overall comfort level

5. Reiki balances the main chakras inducing balance “within”

6. Reiki releases energy blockages, toxins and impurities from the four levels or bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual)

7. Reiki lowers the heart rate

8. Reiki reduces the effects of nausea caused from chemotherapy treatment

9. Reiki helps to regenerate cellular growth

10. Reiki accelerates healing

11. Reiki strengthens the ability to heal yourself

Preliminary Data Analysis of the Healing Partners Program. Kathy Turner, MS, RNC, CHTP

A study of the experience of 26 women enrolled in the Healing Partners program at Stanford Medical Center Hospital was conducted for the purpose of program evaluation. The program provides Healing Touch sessions to participants (women with a diagnosis of breast cancer) on a weekly basis for six months. After three and six months there was a decrease in depression, anxiety, improved quality of life and energy. These initial findings suggest a beneficial effect of Healing Touch in this population which warrants further investigation. To read about additional Healing Touch Research <- click link.

If you or someone you love is battling cancer, consider acupressure, reiki or healing touch as a therapeutic, nurturing choice to help navigate this difficult journey.

Feel free to email me with questions and you are always welcome to call (408) 644-7896, or email: to set up a healing session. Remember that remote healing is just as effective as in person. To learn more about my sessions visit my website. I hope to walk this Journey with You.

In Love & Light,
Paula Estrada
-Healing Arts Practitioner
Office Location: Our Sacred Space, 2075 Lincoln Ave, Suite E&F, San Jose, CA 95125 (Willow Glen)
Hours: Saturday & Sunday from 12 PM – 4 PM (appointments by arrangement)
*Gift Certificates Available* / *Credit Cards Accepted*
Services: Acupressure, Hypnotherapy, Reiki (sessions and classes), Healing Touch Provider (L3), Spiritual Life Coach and Workshop Facilitator

Have you been told today….?

So simple yet so profound….Enjoy!!

“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world today than for bread.” ~Mother Teresa

In Love & Light,
Paula Estrada
-Healing Arts Practitioner

Office Location: Our Sacred Space, 2075 Lincoln Ave, Suite E&F, San Jose, CA 95125 (Willow Glen)
Hours: Saturday & Sunday from 12 PM – 4 PM (appointments by arrangement)*Gift Certificates Available* / *Credit Cards Accepted*
Keep an eye on my website for Upcoming Workshops, or information on sessions and setting appointment.

Aura & Chakra Clearing Tips

The aura is the energy field that surrounds the body like a bubble. It is made up of four different parts: our emotions, spirit, mental state, and health. The aura reflects the inner self, and therefore it changes with changes in us, such as emotions and variations in our mental state. These emotions can manifest themselves as trauma, accidents, illness, or stress.

Clearing the aura means getting rid of negative energies and foreign vibrations that may be affecting your energy field. Cleansing the aura means you will be able to attract positive people and positive energies instead of negative ones. For some, aura cleansing means letting go of the past and being willing to move forward into the future.

After the aura is cleansed, discovering the self through inner work and reflection will be easier. Your energy will be back in a positive flow. Healing can occur naturally and more easily.

Equally important is to clear the internal core of our own chakras. This release technique is very powerful for it empowers to actively participate in the energetic clearing of all the chakras.

The practice of clearing your chakras can be done in the bathtub, shower or while sitting/standing in meditation. It should be done at least once a week. It is important to remove residual energy from your hands. This can be done with water, by washing your hands, or with fire (candle flame or incense).

You will notice a lightening of your vibration and an overall easier sense of well-being. If you are working with someone else, rinse your hand into a bowl of water after each chakra clears. Water is fluid and the energy will just be released easily into the water without any effect on you or the person you may be working with. If no water is available, envision releasing it into the Violet Flame.

Remember that there are many ways to clear charkas. This is only one way. Learn different techniques and see what works for you. Equally important, is to clear sacred space anytime you are doing energy work.

Now let’s get started…

  • Place your open hand, palm side down, on your forehead. Men will use their right hand and women will use their left hand. Spread your fingers wide open to receive the energy easily. If you are working with someone else, place your open hand about two inches above each of the chakras, being cautious not to actually touch their body.
  • Now tell yourself to release into your hand every single thought, feeling, and emotion that you have never been able to show or express. Releasing this energy may feel like thousands of tiny ‘hits’ on the palm of your hand. Leave your hand over your forehead until you are certain there is nothing more to be released.
  • Next, move your hand above your throat. Release into your hand all the times that you felt you could not speaking your truth, all the times you felt you could not voice your concerns, all the times that you wanted to scream, and all the times when you did scream and no one heard you. Also release all the words you regret speaking and all the words spoken to you that you wish you had not heard.
  • Just release all that energy into your hand, from your throat, from the back of your neck and from your shoulders.
  • Next move your hand to your heart and hold it there for a moment. You will feel the warmth of your own love for yourself. This is the truth of your being. Allow yourself to be with that feeling for as long as you like.
  • Move to hand to your third chakra – the area just below the breast bone and above your waist. Some call this the upper abdomen or solar plexus area. This chakra addresses all the issues that humans have with each other over power and control. Place your hand on your solar plexus and say to yourself over and over: I am in control of my body.
  • Release into your hand all the people who have ever wanted to control you or wanted you to be different or act differently than who you really are. Release out of your solar plexus any distortions you have over power and control. Release all of the ways you may still be corded with others through emotional ties, traumas or through relationship.
  • Next move your hand to your second chakra, just below the navel or belly button. Some philosophies call this the Seat of Consciousness, or the Hara point. This chakra contains our male and female duality, which is the last duality of the physical self. Tell yourself that you are exactly who you are, not what society, or your mother or father or religion or the media or men or women have ever told you to be. Just Be who you are. Say over and over: I am a (man/woman), and I have the power of the (masculine /feminine).
  • With that power, find the balance between your masculine and feminine energy. All that means is that in any of your life experiences or circumstances, you can be anything you choose to be in that moment – masculine if you need to be, or feminine if you need to be.
  • Now place your hand at your root or base chakra which is in the groin area, at the “V” of your legs. Again, if you are working with someone else, be cautious not to touch them, but place your hand about three or four inches above the chakra..

Feel yourself pushing out into your hand all the old thoughts, feelings, and emotions ever projected into you, onto you or through you. Release any thoughts, feelings and emotions you may have projected onto anyone else. Just push all that energy right out into your hand. Push out any distortions or any types of energetic you may have been holding onto. Continue the release until you can no longer feel anything coming out. You will know when this is complete.

Then, look up with your spiritual eyes and see the beautiful light shining down on your crown chakra. That Light is your spiritual angelic part – your Higher Self. Feel that Light part of you coming down through your crown and into your body. Bring that Light of your Higher Self totally into your being. Bring it down to your toes and feel it illuminating throughout your entire body. Sit with it. Bask in this state of total and complete clarity. Journal your experience if you like.

Many Blessings on your Journey…

Stay tuned for more insight on working with Energy

In Love & Light,
Paula Estrada
-Healing Arts Practitioner

Feel free to email me with questions and you are always welcome to call (408) 644-7896, or email: to set up a healing session.

Services: Acupressure, Hypnotherapy, Reiki (sessions and classes), Spiritual Life Coach and Workshop Facilitator